I was going to save this for my 100th post like this
blogging wonder, but I could walk outside and get hit by a bus before then and, well the world will be much richer for knowing. . .
-Crossing the street is scary to me. Played too much Frogger back in the day.
-At one time I was absolutely convinced that I was going to marry JFK Jr.
-My grandma used to eat head cheese sandwiches, wash them down with buttermilk and be pissed at me when I refused to join her for lunch
-I'm really a Republican. . pysch!
-I still say Psych!
-I chew icecream and mashed potatoes
-My great grandfather used to run a zoo
-I say things like "for all intensive purposes" a lot
-My brother used to be a swiss-army carrying, num-chuk swinging, breakdancer
-I used to get my older sister in trouble and make her take me with her and friends
-I tried pot when I was 10
-My all-time favorite pet was a hamster
-I locked myself in my room for an entire Christmas break once so I could read all the Little House in the Prairie books
-I really, really like beer
-I really, really get brutal hangovers
-I have size 11 feet
-I hate shopping
-A home remedy in our house for congestion was called "Onion Syrup."
-I want my own Secret Service detail
-I have first cousins who were busted for running a meth lab out of a trailer in downstate Illinois
-I watch Reba sometimes
-I have a problem with drinking and dialing
-I didn't go to class during the duration of the William Kennedy Smith rape trial
-I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up
-I'm still mad at Al Gore for losing his own state in the 2000 election
-I wanted to be Mary Lou Retton
-I've been a bridesmaid 5,999 times
-I hate doing laundry
-I wish men would stop holstering their cell phones
-I think unless you are someone who saves lives for a living, you really should try not to take your job too seriously
-I want to time travel
-I used to fantasize about being on "Fantasy Island."
-I love movies about psychotic, obsessive women
-I wanted to be a Ob/Gyn until I realized you had to touch women's cooters
-A drunk Irishman once told me "your hair is feckin block!"
-I mercilessly flirted with my high school algebra teacher
-I have a thing for men who carry guns
-I don't believe in religion
-I like guys who have a few dents and scratches
-My friends and I used to drink outside at a place called the G-Spot
-My first dog's name was foo-foo
-I thought LBJ was handsome
-I used to be stuck on all the worst summer softball teams growing up
-I had sex in a Com-Ed substation
-I stuck my finger up the nose of the face sculpture in front of the British Museum in London and made my friends take a picture
-I use to have a crush on Hugh Downs from 20/20
-I wrote that my first grade teacher was "a fucker" on a school paper that my mom ended up finding
-I remember where I was when JFK was shot, even though I wasn't born until 1972
-I couldn't wait to download Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror" on my iPod.
-The sound of cardboard scraping against cardboard freaks me out
-I made out with a married, uber-creepy Massachuesetts State Senator when I was a Washington D.C. intern
-I'm afraid of escalators, sorta
-I interviewed Harold Ramis for my college newspaper and said, "Man you had some big hair in Stripes."
-I pee in the shower
-I love peanut butter and jelly
-I smoke when I drink
-I wish I could speak Spanish
-I envied my sister because she made better mud-pies than I did
-I want to live abroad
-When I say something funny, I make a point of telling people just how funny I am
-I hate people who listen to NPR just so they can say "I heard . . . on NPR."
-I hate people who say they don't watch TV.
-I drink way too much coffee
-I think there's nothing worse than being described as being a "sweet girl."
-I'm crazy enough to think America will survive George Bush
-I called in sick the day after seeing "Titanic"
-I taped Janet Jackson videos and tried to learn her moves
-I think Gene Hackman is sexy
-I almost never floss
-I'm afraid to dive into water
-I'm perpetually running 15 minutes late
-I talk to my plants
-I love love LOVE celebrity gossip
-I'm afraid to walk over grates in the sidewalk
-I lost my virginity on September 8, 1989
-I constantly wear white socks with dark shoes
-I believe in God
-I have really, really bizarre dreams 5 nights a week
-I'd like to get a cat, but if I did I'd have a cat
-I don't believe in soul mates
-I think every girl should be kissed by a man who knows what he's doing at least once in her life. And by kiss, I mean. . .
-I believe in ghosts
-I'm getting a boob-lift when I turn 40
-I was one of two students who won a dollar for reciting all the states and capitals on the last day of 3rd grade
-While dissecting a fetal pig senior year in highschool, the teacher looked at my butchered specimen and said, "Someone's not going to be a surgeon."
-I'm incredibly near-sighted
-I knew I was a grown up when I realized that awful things can happen to people I love
-I love living in Chicago
-I hate living in Chicago
-I think it's ok to be impatient, disorganized, and dreamy
-I hate it when Latina newscasters over pronounce their last names. It's obnoxious. You can roll your R's. We got it.
-My dentist thinks I'm funny
-I think I'll be ok if I never get married
-I pick my nose sometimes
-I eat standing up, right out of the pan quite often
-I watch Simpsons reruns twice a day, almost every day
-I'm afraid to do what I really want to do
-I can't believe how hard it is to come up with 98 things about yourself!
Thank you, and good night