Friday, September 30, 2005

You big freakin babies!

To the people I saw shivering yesterday, wearing scarves, hats, wool coats, and the like:

Please tell me you were tourists from sub-Saharan Africa. I’m begging you.

It was SIXTY-TWO DEGREES for christsake!


Anonymous said...

No kidding! I saw a lady on the el yesterday wearing fleece gloves! I'd give anything to live in a climate where it's like this every single day. Pussies!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this penguin-sized hat and scarf only comes on when it's minus 62. I would to see them try living in an igloo.

And if you're wondering if it's hard to type with flippers, it is.

kris said...

Hilar. People clearly need to suck it up, n'est-ce pas? ;) It's only October!