Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Clay Aiken you can't touch me either

And not because you're gay. You're just creepy, and rubbery looking. Now that I think about it, Kelly Ripa is also creepy and rubbery looking. Hmmm.

I have to say going into this holiday that I'm most thankful for celebrity news. It's been a good few days, what with the TomKat wedding, the Kelly Ripa/Clay Aiken and now Rosie O'Donnell controversy, the Britney-KFed split, the O.J. book/interview, and the Kramer outburst. I'm going to have TONS to talk about Thursday at dinner. There will be no reason whatsoever to engage in any real, meaningful conversation with family and friends.

I'm shipping off tomorrow morning for the swamp in which I grew up. I wish everyone in the blogosphere a happy and healthy turkey day!


kris said...

Creepy + rubbery + also Turkey-like = Harry Hamlin.

On that note, Happy Thanksgiving!

Darby Turnipseed said...

Where are you Angie? Hope Clay Aiken didn't get to you.