Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I'm grounded

So there I was at home, on Friday night clipping my toenails and listening to Guns and Roses' Paradise City when I had an epiphany.

What, in God's name I thought, was a relatively young-oh by the way this is my 100th post, yay me--single woman doing giving herself a pedicure when she should be out tearing up one of the world's greatest cities?

And then I remembered. . See this ol' gal to the right? This is how I feel after I tear anything up, much less after throwing back a few cocktails and staying out past my bedtime of 10 p.m. To those rock stars who can go out four and five nights a week, make it to work, and who aren't still being claimed on someone else's taxes, I say: you go, this Christian Rock Star is staying home.

But I'm kind of a forgetful person and Sunday night I attended a work dinner out in a suburb. I think the town was called Timbuktubrook? Anyway, since I had missed Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy, I thought it best to go out with a co-worker and her fiance once we got back in the city.

Let's just say a hangover exacerbated by that daylight savings bullshit, made for a less-than-sunny Monday morning for me.

I've truly earned the number one Google result when you search "degenerate alcoholic."


Anonymous said...

Oh Angela how I can relate to that feeling.

On Saturday night, Jeff and I went out to dinner with another couple and I woke up Sunday afternoon not feeling too well.

I need to learn about shortening my drinking shifts and that whole thing called social drinking.

Just wanted you to know that you are not alone. I'm finally feeling back to myself today.

Anonymous said...

I am there too girls! I went out Saturday night in LP and drank draft beer, then bottled beer then canned beer. On top of that smoked a pack of cigarettes. What makes me think that this was a good thing go do? Needless to say, I was in bed for most of the day on Sunday. Does this mean lesson learned? I think not. When are we doing this again?

t2ed said...

If you've got to be in bed by 10:00, they you've got to start the party earlier. Think noon.

That daylight savings time always bites you in the butt though. Maybe you need to try Chaser?

And I want to use a phrase that won't be around long, The undefeated Detroit Tigers.

Anonymous said...

Girls, I have to say I am disappointed in the slacking as you age. I am still good to go no hangovers here.

Angie T said...

Really, if you google "degenerate alcoholic", my blog comes up #1.

And I think my cronies have helped me earn this honor.

Darby Turnipseed said...

Congrats on your 100th post. My regrets for missing it.